The Idols (3)

The Idols (3) (Lodi, California)


Personnel :

Lionel Handel

Mike Harmon

John Hops

Larry Westgate


Discography :

1961 - Tell Me / We Dined By Candlelight (Camelia 100-38/39)
1961 - The Stars Will Remember / Tell Me (Galaxie 77)


Biography :

A Lodi vocal group, “The Idols,” entertainers on radio and television, have joined the ranks of recording artists, with their first disc. The four young men are Lionel Handel, Larry Westgate, Mike Harmon, and John Hops. One song on the record, “Tell Me” was written by Mike Harmon. The other, “We Dined by Candle-light” is a composition of Mrs Helen Allrich, a resident of Lodi. Both songs are ballads of the type in which the group has gained recognition. The two songs were released on The Camelia label from Sacramento.

The Idols (3)
Lionel Handel, John Hops, Mike Harmon & Larry Westgate

The Idols, an anagram for “Lodi” was formed in 1957 While the singers were stil! attending Lodi High School, and all were playing in the school band. Since that time they have entertained at numerous functions in Lodi, Sacramento, Modesto, Stockton, and San Francisco. Later, after the boys entered college, they continued the singing combo, and branched into radio and video, appearing on the Bil] Rase show and on several occasions they have been guests on the Don Sherwood Show. Some months later, the Idols release their second recording on the Galaxie label.  The latest composition is "The Stars Will Remember" with a repeat of "Tell Me" .

Songs :

         The Stars Will Remember           Tell Me / We Dined By Candlelight